Monday, September 1, 2008

Bodybuilder watch out

…cos if I ever see you preaching your gospel around me I'm gonna kick your ass so bad you'll turn into a screaming meat loaf. 5 day split will inevitably result in over training and injury, I speak from personal experience and lets just say known facts and common sense. Your muscles are not the only thing that needs to recover. Your central nervous system, immune system and hormonal system need rest too. Just because your muscles are telling you "it's ok" that doesn't mean you are ready to go. There is no doubt in my mind that you will not be able to train at sufficient intensity at the third day already. Now intensity doesn't mean spending two freakin’ hours in the gym, it means keeping short rest periods between sets, by that I mean 30-60 seconds. Now with that said ask yourself will your muscles be bigger at the end of a moth if you work them 1 time a week or if you work them 3 times a week with right intensity and still get enough rest? Doing shabillion sets or exercises for a muscle group in one workout, which is preached by bodybuilders is pure suicide. Why would you listen to them anyway? You think they play by the same rules as you? You think when they tell you workout like this, eat like that and drink this shake that that's what they do to look like Hulk? Guess again, they stick a needle where the son don't shine and preach the holy gospel of the bodybuilding magazines. Hah I mean come on people just think with your head a little bit before you take another advice from a bodybuilding mag. I used to do that 5 day split myself but I had so much pain going through my body it was ridiculous. You want big muscles? I know it sounds controversial but if you want to build your body then don't listen to bodybuilders or bodybuilding magazines. You might even pack a few pounds of muscle but guess what? After a couple of months you'll hit a plateau and you'll be stuck there for months, that what you want? To be frustrated? I don't think so. With that said here’s my workout routine which will hit your muscle groups three times a week and you will still recover for your next workout session. It works great for me and is very intense.

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