Thursday, August 7, 2008

UDT=Tune up=preventing injury.

There probably isn’t a day in the gym when one of my friends doesn’t complain about pain in some body part. It’s either the back, the knee, the shoulder, it’s “ouch” and “oh God” again and again. Heck I’ll tell you a story, maybe not so funny as it was scary. Check this out: I used to go every day to the gym…yeah by every day I mean from Monday to Monday :) Why? Cos I didn’t know any better. The type of pain that I experienced and was most fascinating to me, I could describe with as if someone took a very thin wire with sort of tiny shredded points all over it and pull it through your right upper chest all the way down your lower left back and pull it up and down and up and down. Yeeah…not very comfy I must say :) but that was nothing compared what happened a couple of times, first time at night when I was sleeping. The pain was so hard it woke me up and I was almost paralyzed, It was in my neck and it felt like The Hulk was squeezing it, I couldn’t move to wake my girlfriend up I couldn’t stretch it out cos it was just to terrible and it hurt even worse when I tried to. The worst thing was that it was getting worse by the second, and trust me I’m not the type of guy to complain about some cramp or muscle soreness but this was insane, all I could do is wait it out. It was as if someone is not choking you but crushing your neck and you can’t o a damn thing about it. Why did this happen? Cos I was lifting heavy without the proper tune up. So let me tell you right now, you got no damn business lifting heavy if you can’t handle your own bodyweight like a toothpick! The UDT=Posture alignment, stretching, specialization, core stability and body weight conditioning. This is what I’ve been going through the past 3-4 weeks and in the NNMB Vince DelMonte calls it the upside down training. Why? Cos to most of you it will feel just like that…upside down. Prioritizing on your weak spots and making them stronger. The chain is only strong as its weakest link, you all know that one and this is what upside down training is all about. You will be able to lift heavier if you weak spots are stronger. Ever had that pain in your forearms when doing pull ups or pull downs or even biceps and couldn’t lift any more because of it. My calves for example were killing me, they were on fire. I was like ok so maybe I should lower my training weight a bit so I did heh, big mistake. In the end I lowered it to some ¼ of what I was lifting on my usual way, but this was tough. They were on fire. But then after two weeks I caught a glance of my calves as I was going out and I was like WTF these guys got bigger :) There are this handy tests I like very much, which can tell you what body part is out of alignment and what you need to do to correct it, if your core is weak ect…so when the time comes to hit the weights you’re all set up and ready to rock.

This is a little insight into what bodyweight conditioning looks like, but trust me the real thing is much harder if because nothing else then cos there are more exercises.

This is a more hardcore Vince's personal version:

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